Time for a clear view of the New Year. Out with the old decorations, this year boughs of fir and holly gathered from the hedges and fields after a particularly violent December storm, and now the last few thrown on the wood burner making an especially ferocious roar. So here we are looking forward to a new year with all the excitements and struggles it might bring - but we will deal with them all, somehow.
And this year's resolution, I'm done with all the too challenging ones which I fail at, like "hoover more", this time, in 2014 my aim is Don't Burn the Toast!
Shortest Day
How I love to reach this day. Its 9pm and I am sitting in front of our log burner, hearing the wind and rain battering the windows but I don't mind because the days are now getting longer.
Home again
Just back from the most wonderful trip to South Korea. We were guests of Zen company who are producing our brand for the Korean market, and doing it so very beautifully and very thoroughly that it completely took my breath away. They were extremely kind hosts and gave us the chance to spend sometime travelling around the country. Here are a few images from our visit. You can click on them to see larger versions.
When you go down to the woods today...
Deluges through the day and warm nights all add up to the perfect conditions for the beloved cep. A magical woodland walk glimpsing these little chaps nestled in the moss in sunlit bosky glades, a little bird song and wind gently soughing in the trees, then home for tea with this very satisfying 2kg of porcini!
Squally rain
Its nearly 5pm and the rain is now easing a little. Rivulets were coursing down the window panes, and my rain gauge notching up to a hefty 17mm since this morning, so I spent the day tucked up in my workshop throwing on the wheel. Then as I stopped for lunch a momentary glimmer outside reflected in the puddles and shone on the zinnias on the window ledge. With their vivid colours they are a wonderful memento of summer.
for world poetry day...
I have to admit that I'm not a great one for poetry , but this one, ironically as a confirmed insomniac I find wonderfully evocative. A.S. Tessimond's Sleep.
A little late summer warmth
I am adamant that it is still late summer and not yet autumn! Trees are still very green, apples not yet sweetened, and butterflies are still having a feeding frenzy on our Verbena bonariensis. Oodles of small tortoiseshells, and a single Painted Lady, who was a a bit camera shy.
Squally Sunday
The forecasters predicted wild and windy weather today, but after breakfast the storm hadn't yet arrived so we struck out for a walk on our favourite hillside, kept moving at a clip as we could see the blanket of rain closing in on us, and the wind ruffled the trees. Arrived home for a coffee as the first fat drops of rain came.
I'd planned a cook day with the threat of bad weather so got to work making lots of lovely tomato sauce for the freezer, and pear chutney. We have 2 ancient pear trees, variety unknown, but both wonderful prolific, the pears aren't lookers - a bit lumpy, but their flavour is sweetly almondy, and their flesh is lusciously juicy. Even though I can eat the most prodigious quantity of fruit, they defeat even me, so chutney is a good option. I researched various recipes, then amended to make a version to our taste with toasted cumin and coriander seeds. Here it is below;
400g raisins
Goodly amount of following spices toasted; cumin, coriander, mustard seed. Bashed.
Chilli flakes 1 tsp.
300ml malt vinegar .
I'd planned a cook day with the threat of bad weather so got to work making lots of lovely tomato sauce for the freezer, and pear chutney. We have 2 ancient pear trees, variety unknown, but both wonderful prolific, the pears aren't lookers - a bit lumpy, but their flavour is sweetly almondy, and their flesh is lusciously juicy. Even though I can eat the most prodigious quantity of fruit, they defeat even me, so chutney is a good option. I researched various recipes, then amended to make a version to our taste with toasted cumin and coriander seeds. Here it is below;
Pear chutney - September 2013
2kg pears, when peeled and chopped
3 cooking apples
3 onions400g raisins
Goodly amount of following spices toasted; cumin, coriander, mustard seed. Bashed.
Chilli flakes 1 tsp.
2 tsp salt
400g sugar (granulated)
(could be a bit less?)300ml malt vinegar .
Put in pan, boil, stir intermittently, when soft, bottle
in warm sterilised jars.
Store for 3 months – if possible to wait!Friday
Raspberry Mivvy
Favourite dahlia which I grew from seed many years ago has been flowering for over a month. I am giving away seeds to anyone who would like to grow them next year. I sow dahlias early inside and don't plant them out till danger if frost is over - or if before I have to be ready on a daily basis to protect with fleece in case it gets chilly.
If anyone is interested in growing some; send a self addressed envelope with stamp on to the address below and I will send some seeds. It really is a very pretty plant reaching about 3-4' in height, its leaves are rich green and its flowers crimson, on dark reddish stalks which it puts out very freely.
F.A.O. R. Barker
30 Lydbury North
If anyone is interested in growing some; send a self addressed envelope with stamp on to the address below and I will send some seeds. It really is a very pretty plant reaching about 3-4' in height, its leaves are rich green and its flowers crimson, on dark reddish stalks which it puts out very freely.
F.A.O. R. Barker
30 Lydbury North
Back in the saddle
All excitement here for our forthcoming trip to South Korea in autumn. We are launching a collection of ceramics in Seoul. Here is a quick peek at one of the ranges, its very quirky and English and very much about life in our village here in Shropshire.
Preparing for home

Supermarkets please note...
Why do we tolerate paying 70p and up for a single pepper in England, when instead of importing wildly over priced and inferior peppers from Holland we could be buying amazingly intensely sweet ones from Hungary. These are about 73p - but that is for a whole kilo. Food lovers, read this and weep.
Necessities of life
No week is complete without a trip to the market. The produce comes from and is sold by farmers who grow on a very small scale. This lady's stall I visit each week for a kilo of the very best cucs. I love her scales, which are hand held from the chain you can just see.
mother of invention
Disaster averted - twice over
is now mended. Gave up on the super glue
method and instead heated a nail head on the gas and welded a teeny patch of
lilo stuff over hole. All very
promising, and given that its 37 degrees and clear blue sky the lake is
Yesterday, I confess we were both feeling a bit lacking in joie de vivre department. Now all is well, we are back on mid season form, and the problem was we had to survive a day without watermelon. I can now grasp how it is to be deprived of one’s favourite addiction, and the pure bliss of indulging anew. Phew, thank goodness for the pink stuff.
Yesterday, I confess we were both feeling a bit lacking in joie de vivre department. Now all is well, we are back on mid season form, and the problem was we had to survive a day without watermelon. I can now grasp how it is to be deprived of one’s favourite addiction, and the pure bliss of indulging anew. Phew, thank goodness for the pink stuff.
to Gabi and Vince’s neck of the woods, Siógárd on the edge of the Hungarian
plain. We visited their Táj Ház – or village house. This
is a preserved, traditional house, it reminds everyone how life once was. Ours is not disimilar, mud walls, but it does
have the benefit of running water and electric.

Earlier we took a trip to Kakasd to see Imre Makovecz's rather spectacular church. I think it actually refelects his Transylvanian background.
Pancake day
Palacsinta (Hungarian pancakes) for supper, but couldn’t
remember the recipe. So popped over to
next door but one neighbour to ask her for the correct proportions. Hungarian pancakes are wonderfully light thin
affairs which they sometimes with a savoury stuffing (here I did paprika
chicken in sour cream), rolled up and backed.
Here is a little montage of the note taking, making, then the eating.
Just going dark now and the crickets are starting their nightly
Blog 2; warming up
My main concern has been our young fruit orchard which fell
foul of the deer in spring, both the big “szarvas” who leave enormous foot
prints and bite off the new leaves and the little “Å‘z” (similar to roe deer) who take off damaging strips of
bark. Still in this climate trees grow
up fast and strong and I think there is no terminal harm done.
We have planted nectarines and almonds, peaches, apricots, and
cherries. Closer to the house we have plums
and more peaches, which ripen at different times over the summer so you can generally
have an on-going supply of sweet yet fresh favoured white peaches ready for the
picking. Then when you fancy something
different there’s always watermelons.
There is even someone who comes round the villages with a van selling
them. How civilized is that!
Temperatures are good, upper 20s to mid 30s with clear blue
skies. Soon they say we are due for a
heat wave, which generally coincides with jam making as the plums ripen. Nothing quite like stirring boiling fruit and
sugar when its nearly 40 in the shade outside!
Although the little old houses like ours and so well insulated that they
always feel deliciously cool in the summer.
Settling in and winding down
I had great plans before we left that I would post regular, even
weekly updates of progress on our little Hungarian house. So far that has totally fallen by the
wayside! As a general rule we come out
here and pitch into renovating jobs, but this year, probably because the large
tasks are now getting done, it has been a case of nibbling at the little
jobs, interspersed with swimming at the
lake in the village, shopping at the local market and chilling out.
No journey here is complete for me unless it means we camp
en route in France, Germany, and Austria generally with a car full of saplings
to plant out. And we drive over in a
little honda hatchback. I love the
challenge of packing it; tent, chairs, picnics, clothes, a goodly quantity of
plant life which I fret over all the way when it gets hot. This year we wanted to establish an espalier
as a screen in the courtyard opposite the house, so I also packed the auger and
grub axe for putting in the posts. Here
is it just finished.
Last minute projects
Just finished a little contribution to our
village cook book. All a bit last minute
before we depart for our summer place in Hungary. It was great fun to do these drawings, far
less pressure than normal and much more thanks than you get from big store buyers! But my ampersands gave me so much trouble.
Mid summer's day
Out for a swift hike this afternoon to clear the cobwebs and fried brain feeling at the end of a full on week. Had to trail blaze a route along our normal path as the undergrowth had shot up and stood well over my head in places. Not recommended for hay fever suffers as clouds of pollen released around us as we pushed through the rich mix of herbage. Here and there hog weed's purple stems punctuated the softer grasses.
The Hunter-gather returns...

OK, so maybe I hadn't just bagged a woolly mammoth, but even more delectable, wild garlic or Medve Hagyma, bear onions in Hungarian. In desperation, having forgotten to buy spinach I went out foraging for the last of this season's crop growing wild in the corner of a field in my village, fed by the brook.
The stems are both crunchy and sweet with a heat which becomes mild when wilted in a little butter. Definitely worth the odd nettle sting.
Culinary promises

We found a lovely sunny hillside to spread the picnic and it was a great success.
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