

Garden trophies

Not wanting to gloat, but I can't help feeling quite proud of this chap. It is the first melon I have grown. Might be a bit on the small size, something the size of a tennis ball still I had a great affection for 'Junior'. We ate him for lunch the other day.

Call that a summer??

Here we are on the threshold of Autumn and I wonder when we will next have warm, relaxing days in the sun? Can't help feeling a little disappointed. We are now in a dull limbo, with coolest night time temperatures only 3 or 4 degrees lower than the highest daytime temperature, and in August! Today it reached a heady 19 degrees.

Only pay off is that the mushroom season is starting early. Last week we gathered this lovely mix of ceps, bay boletes and agarics.


Quick change

I thought this holiday section might run and run, so I've made a separate blog for anyone who wants to see more. Its listed under Holiday 08.

Now the holiday seems like it was pure imagination. Since then, weeks and weeks of rain, wearing warm clothing and hoping for that magical phrase "high over the Azores" to happen - its mentioned and then suddenly it disappears from the weather reports. Shouldn't they apologise for that sort of thing?

Still it has kept us focused on work and finally getting to the end of producing our new catalogue... Must just include one lovely shot. We did a photo of our new bag in the seat of a Walcot Morris Minor. It was parked in front of a wall, but Andrew managed to combine it with a beautiful shot at Lake Balaton. Seeing that blue makes me feel so happy.